Трижды бгг ))) Отсюда:

"I love everything about this picture. On the left you’ve got Gan, Cally and Avon smiling slightly as if they’re having a family photo taken. On the right you’ve got Jenna and Vila putting on their srs bsns “don’t mess with us rebels!” faces. Then in the middle you’ve just got Blake staring off into space all “I like chicken nuggets.”

"I love everything about this picture. On the left you’ve got Gan, Cally and Avon smiling slightly as if they’re having a family photo taken. On the right you’ve got Jenna and Vila putting on their srs bsns “don’t mess with us rebels!” faces. Then in the middle you’ve just got Blake staring off into space all “I like chicken nuggets.”
Перепощу? ))